Here is how I send/receive messages to hornetQ JMS:
- Create a Thread Group,
- To Send messages, use JMS publisher sampler and to receive create a JMS subscriber sampler.
- Copy library files into jmeter/lib/ext:
- To Send messages, use JMS publisher sampler and to receive create a JMS subscriber sampler.
- Copy library files into jmeter/lib/ext:
- hornetq-commons.jar
- hornetq-core-client.jar
- hornetq-jms-client.jar
- jnp-client.jar
- netty.jar
Set following parameters as:
- initial Context Factory: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory
- Provider URL: (your provider url, seriously!, usually starts with jnp:// and ends with the port 1099)
- Connection Factory: ConnectionFactory
- Destination: The topic or queue you want to connect.
For publisher sampler you can add more properties in the JMS Properties box. I like to add something to JMSCorrelationID header, so I add that property as well.
For subscriber sampler, you can parametrize the JMS Selector parameter. As an instance, if you want to search for a queue with a specific correlation id, put something like: JMSCorrelationID = '${yourVariable}'
The most possible problem you migh encounter is the blocked ports. Please make sure ports 1099 and 1098 are both open in both local and network firewalls.
The most possible problem you migh encounter is the blocked ports. Please make sure ports 1099 and 1098 are both open in both local and network firewalls.
That's it.